Daniel (Dan) O’Shannessy
Dr. O’Shannessy has more than 20 years’ Executive Management experience in the fields of translational/precision medicine and diagnostics, specifically in oncology and liquid biopsies and recently founded TMDx Consulting. He has taken diagnostics from bench to bedside and identified biomarkers for patient selection in clinical trials, including regulatory strategies and agency interactions. Prior to his career in industry, Dr. O’Shannessy was a visiting fellow at the NIH and a Docent in Biochemistry at the University of Lund, Sweden. He has nearly 100 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, >4000 citations and numerous issued patents and patent applications in the field of diagnostics.

Hüseyin Baloğlu
M.D. Prof. Hüseyin Baloğlu was graduated from GATA Medical School (Ankara, Turkey) in 1986 and had his specialty education at GATA Medical School Pathology Department in 1992. He was at New York Albert Einstein University as a visiting Professor between 1998 and 1999. He has been the Pathology Department Director at Anadolu Medical Center (İstanbul, Turkey) since 2012. He is an expert on utilization of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) for molecular diagnostics of cancer and precision oncology.

Elaine Evans
From a career of over 35 years, Elaine brings a broad knowledge of innovation pathways across therapeutics and healthcare technologies, a strong background in marketing and an extensive network. Elaine’s knowledge of UK infrastructure, support systems and funding schemes was acquired while at the UK’s Department for International Trade, and from leading a flagship UK grant-funding scheme for life sciences. Prior to this, she spent 27 years in commercial and licensing/M&A roles, was Chair of the UK Pharmaceutical Licensing Group and a board member of Europharm SMC. Elaine has a PhD, MBA and a Diploma in Marketing.